Planning & Permit

Apply for a building permit online:

Building permit applications are made online through the Couldpermit system, which allows the entire building permit and inspections process to be completed online from a mobile device, tablet or personal computer. With Cloudpermit, you can:

  • Apply for building permits at any time, from anywhere.
  • Check the status of a building permit or building inspection (automatic email notification is generated as soon as a permit application status changes, )
  • Schedule or cancel building inspections.
  • Communicate with the building department using time-stamped messages.
  • Pay for building permits with a credit card or electronic check.
  • Request and submit changes to an existing building permit.

 How to get started:

To start, create your Cloudpermit account by visiting  Once registered, the user can apply for building permits and track permit progress online.

How-to videos and support materials:
Cloudpermit has a variety of helpful resources  – check out Cloudpermit Support for instructions on the basics and watch the instructional videos below to learn how to use the software (watch more here):

Building Code:

The State Building Code has been adopted by Greenbrier County. This means that proper building permits must be in place before any type of construction can begin. The building code is available for viewing and downloading on our web site.
All plans submitted shall be reviewed for code compliance under the following codes:

  • International Building Code (2018) (with legislative rule exceptions)
  • International Plumbing Code (2018) (with legislative rule exceptions)
  • International Fuel Gas Code (2018) (with legislative rule exceptions)
  • International Existing Building Code (2018) (with legislative rule exceptions)
  • International Residential Code (2018) (with legislative rule exceptions)
  • International Property Maintenance Code (2018)
  • ICC/ANSI A.1.1 Standards for Accessibility & Usable Building & Facilities (2018)
  • National Electric Code (2020)
  • West Virginia State Fire Code
  • Energy Code (2015) with exception
  • ISPSC International Swimming Pool & Spa Code (2018)
  • NFPA Lift Safety Code (2021)

Building permit applications must include the following information:

General Requirements:

  • Unless the property has access to public water and sewer, evidence of septic and well permits issued by the Greenbrier County Health Department must be included with all building permit applications.
  • New access to public roads requires a WVDOH driveway permit.
  • Some excavating work may require NPDES permit from the West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection. For more information:

Residential Construction Projects:

  1. A completed building permit application.
  2. A set of plans of construction drawings. Residential Construction Projects with over 2000 square foot of enclosed space requires a set of plans certified by a West Virginia Registered design professional.
  3. At least one site plan showing property lines, proposed driveway, footprint of proposed building and existing building, if any, direction of slope or site elevations, erosion control and surface drainage details. One set of construction drawings should be on the job site at all times.

Commercial Construction Projects:

  1. One Complete set of Construction plans with site plans, any demolition plans, structural plans, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, elevations, sprinkler drawings, elevations, parking, storm water, erosion control drawings, spec books and any other drawings that pertain to the project. Plans should indicate the type of occupancy, construction type, square footage, occupancy load, other calculations, and ADA accessibility.
  2. All commercial construction project plans must be certified by a design professional registered with the State of West Virginia.
  3. A Plan Review issued by the West Virginia State Fire Marshalls Office is required for commercial construction projects.

Demolition Work Requirements:

All demolition permit applications must include a copy of the asbestos testing results attached to the application. Asbestos abatement must be preformed by a licensed professional.

Design Criteria Applicable to All Construction:

Ground snow load Wind speed (mph) Seismic Design category Subject to damage from Winter design temp Ice shield under-layment required Flood hazards Air freezing index Mean annual temp
Weathering Frost line depth Termite Decay
30 psf 115 C Severe 30″ M-H S-M 11 Yes 1/15/1988 664 51.9

Stephen Simmons, Building Code Official
Office: 304-647-6681
Mobile: 304-520-5825
Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address for Planning Office:
Greenbrier County Planning and Permits
912 Court Street, North
Lewisburg, West Virginia 24901

The Planning and Permits Office reviews applications and issues building permits, ensures compliance with the floodplain ordinance, zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and evaluates structures for compliance with the building code. The Planning and Permits Office does not oversee or enforce private deed covenants or restrictions.

To Register with the Office, please submit the following information via Cloudpermit:

  • Current West Virginia contractor’s license.
  • Proof of Insurance in the form of a Certificate of Insurance for General Liability Insurance
  • Proof of Insurance in the form of a Certificate of Insurance for Workers Compensation Insurance.
  • All of the above documents must be updated to reflect the most current information.

For each permit Application the following must be submitted via Cloudpermit:

  • Building plans
  • Site Plans
  • Material List
  • Building permits for new homes, additions, and new commercial projects, will not be issued until a copy of a septic permit is received, or documentation from the applicable institution stating that the proposed project location is covered by public sewer.
  • Inspections and re-inspections are scheduled through Cloudpermit or by calling the Planning and Permits Office at 304-647-6687 or 304-667-0132.
  • A permit application is required to determine whether or not the construction or proposed improvements are located in the floodplain or otherwise exempt from the permitting process.

Please refer to the following checklist when applying for any type of building permit. These items will need to be submitted through Cloudpermit prior to the issuance of a building permit.

A permit is required for ALL construction, improvements to or demolition of any structure within Greenbrier County.

Applications require the following information:

  1. Tax District, map, and parcel numbers for the property. This information can be found on property tax documentation or by accessing the interactive tax map at Interactive Tax Map
  2. A physical address must be obtained from the Greenbrier County Emergency Management Office (911 Office) for all new structures in the County, and must be obtained before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued.
  3. Public Water and Sewer accessible locations will require written documentation from the applicable Public Service District, or Municipality Supplying the service, stating that they have adequate service for the new construction.
  4. A copy of the approved Septic System, and/or Well installation permit issued by the Greenbrier County Health Department must be submitted with the application. Verification by the Greenbrier County Health Department of existing septic systems or well permits that will service new construction are also acceptable.
  5. According to the Floodplain Ordinance and FEMA regulations, all construction sites must be evaluated for proximity to a designated floodplain. A floodplain determination will be completed for all building permits by the Planning and Permits Department at the time of application. For additional information, please contact the Floodplain Manager at: 304-647-6689 ext. 0. If it is determined that the planned construction project is located in the floodplain, additional information will be required, including but not limited to the following:
    1. Elevation Certificate – This is obtained from either a West Virginia Registered Surveyor or Engineer.
    2. Dry Flood Proofing Certificate – This is obtained from either a West Virginia Registered Surveyor or Engineer. This requirement is for Commercial construction projects only.
    3. Construction and Site Plan – This will need to detail the location, elevation methodology and floodproofing design.
    4. Non-Conversion Agreement – This document will be required to be signed and notarized by the Homeowner.
  6. A zoning determination will be made for each building permit application. If the property is located within a zoned area, compliance with the Greenbrier County Zoning Ordinance for the specific zone will be required. The Zoning Ordinance may be accessed here: Greenbrier County Zoning Ordinance . The Greenbrier County Zoning Map is available here: Zoning Map
  7. The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) requires a Construction Storm Water Permit for land/soil disturbance of one or more acres. For more information, visit:
  8. The appropriate design plans, specifications or construction documents including the designer’s contact information must be submitted through Cloudpermit. For projects less than 2000 square feet of enclosed space, hand drawn dimensional plans may be accepted if the construction project falls within the scope of residential project criteria and may require the addition of a material list.
  9. Paper applications will continue to be available.